I have had several requests for the wedding sermon that I wrote for Rebecca's wedding. Here it is.
Just a quick disclaimer. I make no claims of originality. Some of it is stuff that is original, some of it is lifted from wedding sermon's I've heard or read, some of it (especially the quotes on marriage), is stuff I've come across in studying for a sermon on marriage that I did awhile back. The one source I will highlight is the Meaning of Marriage, I had Rebecca and Brenton read it for Premarital counseling, and would recommend it to every couple that is dating or married. I hope you find this helpful, while understanding it was written for a specific event.
The Scripture Passages that it is based on and were read before the sermon are Ephesians 5:22-33, and Colossians 3:12-17.
Brenton, Rebecca, today is one of the most important days of
your life, and the most important day in your relationship. With these vows,
you are making a commitment. To each other, to God, to all of your friends and
family members, to the world at large. That you will love one another, honor
one another, care for one another, seek the others good, do what’s best for one
another, and find joy in their joy, as you live together in holy marriage,
forsaking all others, as long as you both shall live.
Marriage is about a promise. In
Marriage, two become one flesh. Becoming one flesh implies a covenant
promise. Today
you covenant, with God, and each other…to leave father and mother, and join
together…and become one flesh. This is
not a contract… contracts are breakable…they are a commitment between you… and
God… we see this from the beginning…When God brought Adam to Eve, he blessed
marriage and declared, For this reason a man will leave his father and mother
and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh. Brenton, Rebecca,
this is now your primary human relationship, the most
important human relationship in your life No other person has a claim that supersedes
the claims that you have on each other. Marriage involves a covenant promise
before God, in which you transfer your primary allegiance from your parents and
siblings, to each other. You leave you leave your father and mother, your
brothers and sisters, and unite together, in relationship with God and each
other, and begin to build a new household…a new life together…till death do
your part…. Today you make a date with destiny, you’re
committing to God, yourself, and each other that you
will hold fast to the other…and that ten, 20, 50 years from now, with
the Lords help, you will be holding fast,
till death do you part.
Marriage is about a promise…but... marriage is about
creating a place where we can know true relationship…in
Genesis, we’re told, God created man (humanity),
in his own image. In the image of God he created him; male and female he
created them. After creating Adam, Man, the LORD God
said, "It is not good for the man to
be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him." Matthew Henry noted that "Eve
was not taken out of Adam's head to top him, neither out of his feet to be
trampled on by him, but out of his side to be equal with him, under his arm to
be protected by him, and near his heart to be loved by him." Then God brought
the two together…The wonderful postscript that we see in
scripture after God brought them together is…The man and his wife were both naked, and they felt no
shame. Marriage
is designed to be a one flesh union, where you can be venerable, on every level.
One of our deepest desires in
friendship is to be accepted for who we are, understood for who we are, loved
for who we are and known without shame, received and approved. We long to be
able to be completely venerable and intimate in every area of life. And God
designed us this way, and he ordained marriage to be a place where the longing
is fulfilled. Where two lives, two hearts, two minds, two bodies, will become
one flesh, and thereby complement each other, and build up each other, and seek each other’s good above their own...
in true relationship.
But even more than that, ultimately,
marriage is about something that is bigger than a covenant, as huge as covenant
is, and it’s about something that’s bigger than our need for deep relationship
and friendship and intimacy. Ultimately marriage is a divinely created picture of
the gospel. In Ephesians 5, which Nathan read for
us, we see something interesting…we see Paul recite God’s words on marriage in
Genesis 2 “For
this reason …” But then, what does Paul say? “This is a profound mystery—but I am talking about Christ and the church.” What’s he mean by that? The word
mystery shows up several times throughout his New Testament letters, and not
once does it mean something incomprehensible or impossible to understand. Instead,
Paul uses it to refer to a truth that God kept hidden for a time, but now has
revealed. Now, Paul applies the term to marriage, and this he says, is a
profound mystery, a mega-mystery…an extraordinarily great, wonderful, profound
truth that can be understood only with the help of God’s Holy Spirit. And what
is the secret? What is this mystery? He is taking about Christ and the church,
referring back to what he said in verse 25, Husbands, love
your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her. IN short, the mystery is not simply the fact of marriage
per se; it is the message that what husbands should do for their wives is what
Christ did to bring us into union with himself.
And what did he do? He gave himself up for her. He died
for her…marriage is a window into the gospel…as we see how the son of God, equal
with God, gave up his glory, and took on our human nature…and then…Having lived
the life we should have lived, perfectly, sinlessly, he humbled himself even
more…by willing going to the cross…dying the death we should have died, in our place,
for our sins, so that we could be united with him (Romans 6:5), and take in his nature (2peter 1:4). He gave up his glory and power and
became a servant. He died to his own interests and looked to meet our needs
instead (Romans 15:1-3). Jesus sacrificial
death brought us into deep union with him if we turn to him in faith…that’s not
just the key to understand marriage, but to living… This is why Paul can tie
the original statement about marriage in genesis 2 to Jesus and the church… he
saw that when God designed marriage, he already had Christ and the church in
mind, and was giving us a picture through which we would be able to see the
gospel (Editorial note-This point is lifted from The Meaning of Marriage)
Your marriage is therefore, a pointer to the gospel, it’s
a picture of the gospel lived out, with
the husband and wife each take a role, serving and being served… submitting and
being submitted to…picturing the ultimate marriage. As Christians, you have the incredible
privilege of knowing the ultimate purpose for your marriage. The purpose of
marriage goes beyond personal fulfillment. It’s not about making you happy all
the time. The biblical purpose of marriage is not us-centered. It's God's
centered. Your marriage is meant to point to the truth that Christ gave his all
for his bride the church, and that one day, he will return for his bride the
church…C.J. Mahaney noted that…By
the grace of God, your marriage is meant to be the best echo, the most faithful
reflection of that relationship you can possibly be. It’s about being genuinely
united in a strong, godly, intimate relationship that echoes the one between
Christ and the Church.
Allot of marriages struggle because they do
not see their marriage as profound, mysterious or amazing. They only see
themselves as two married people. It is
all too common to have a marriage centered on you, your spouse, your kids, your
goals… how it makes you feel… marriage is a picture of the gospel…see this… and
let it shape how you approach your marriage...
So, having said these things about the permanency and
purpose of marriage…What should your marriage look like….What should be
the things that define and shape your marriage, and this covenant that you now
enter? Grace. The garments of grace. Your
marriage must be clothed in the garments of grace. Today you stand here, in all
the splendor of wedding garb…and it’s wonderful, and exciting and joyful.
And on a wedding day, our clothes are chosen
carefully to reflect the importance of the day in your lives… But as
important as these clothes are for one special day, they aren’t the clothes of
everyday life; they are not the clothes that are needed to deal with the ups
and downs, the struggles, and mountaintops, of marriage. For those “other”
days, Paul gives us some guidance as to the garb that we should wear… clothes worn in response to Christ’s love,
modeled on Christ’s love, and empowered by Christ’s love… Paul lays this out in
Patty read for us…
First, be clothed in
Christ…This passage begins and ends with your identity as people whose primary
allegiance is to Christ. It calls you to remember first of all, whose you are
and who you are to live for, who you are to glorify with your marriage. Think about
the structure of the passage. The first thing Paul says is, as God’s chosen people. Later he says; forgive
as the lord forgave you. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach
and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and
spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God. And whatever you do,
whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks
-to God the Father through him. Your
first love, the foundation of your life, the one that gives you hope, and joy,
and confidence and assurance… the one that fills the hole at the center of your
soul, must be Christ. You are to live as God’s people…as God's chosen
people… People whose lives are built on and molded by the gospel; by
the sacrificial, giving love that Christ showed us… Be clothed in Christ…
individually, and in terms of the marriage. Make him the center…Ecclesiastes tells us, “Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of
three strands is not quickly broken. (Ecc 4:12)”… If Christ is the center
of your marriage… it will be strong…
So how do you make Christ the center? It’s all through this passage… we remind
ourselves of the gospel… forgive as Christ forgave you… Let the peace of
Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to
peace. The words of verse 16 point the way. Let
the word of Christ dwell in you richly. Get into the word, learn what it
teaches. Learn what it shows you about God’s incredible love and mercy and
grace. Be in worship together. Find a
church where you can plug in together and be fed on God’s word…and as you build
your life on his word…it will reshape you and cause you to live for his glory
together. Be clothed in Christ.
But second, in light of that… He says…put
on Compassion. Literally, compassion means "a heart
of pity." Compassion is an inner attitude you each have toward the
other — a fullness of tender caring for and about the other’s vulnerabilities
and strengths which will overflow into how you treat each other, in public
& in private.
Moreover, he says,
put on Kindness. On those days
when you come home from a horrible day of training… and your CO was the devil
himself… on those days that all you want is to be left alone… and your spouse
says…honey…when that happens… and when you’re the snapped at one… show
kindness, seek to their good as you deal with each others’ weaknesses and sore
What else? Humility.
This one’s essential. Pride will ruin a marriage faster than you can believe.
Pride makes you selfish. It keeps you from owning up to your mistakes. It makes
you say, I’m better than you… it makes you compete with each other… from here
on out… you’re not competing with each other… your competing alongside each
other… as you strive to accomplish all that God has for you together… you don’t
need to say “I’m better”, I’m tougher… I’m stronger… who cares? Your working
for the same ends… the glory of God through your marriage. Pride makes you
strive against rather than alongside… Now, conversely, what does humility do? Humility recognizes
the others equal status, recognizing that each has needs, plans, hopes, &
values which are just as important as your own. It raises the other up, and
values them over your own interest.
Brent… Paul nails
us husbands on the chin when he lays out the level of humble love we should
show. For you…this means that
you are called to demonstrate the selfless humble care and sacrifice that Jesus
shows toward the church in how you relate to Rebecca… And
right now you may be saying, of course, she’s my wife, “just as Christ died for the church…I’d die for her. I’d do anything
for her”. Great…but here’s the real question that you will face most days: are
you sacrificing your comfort for her on a daily basis. Are you putting aside
your wants to meet her needs on a daily basis? Or do you demand things be your
way? Do you look for your wants and needs or do you seek to meet her needs and
desires? Show humble love to her… be totally committed
to her wellbeing. Seek her good always. Seek to lead her to God, seek her
best, even when you’re in a bad mood, or she’s being grouchy…. Rebecca, before you think, I’m off the hook, remember that you are
called to demonstrate the respect, submission, and devotion the church
shows toward Jesus in how you relate to Brenton…
hear what I’m saying… Respect…nothing takes the wind out of a guys sails than
feeling like he’s not respected in his own home…Guys are wired to want respect,
show him the love and respect he needs Sub-mission- think about submission… at its root, submission is not…
oppressed, but sub… below…the mission… your to be working in ways that support
him and build him up… Devotion… steadfast, loyal commitment… to being by his
Care for him, when he’s wounded. Seek to build him up, and send him out,
stronger, more equipped by your love.
Remember…in Ephesians, there’s something amazing to
see there. Everything Paul tells us about marriage starts with mutual
submission... he says, here is the starting point…Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. That’s a two way street… submit to one another… humility
allows you to do that…it allows you to seek the others complete happiness…and here’s
the thing… Have you ever noticed that in the best marriages, both partners are
seeking the good of each other? Submitting their hopes and dreams and happiness
to the will of the other, and finding joy in the happiness of the other. I’ve
noticed this allot. I’ve noticed that when someone starts to fall for someone
else, they start doing research...they learned each other’s likes and dislikes.
What bothers each other, what really offends and outrages them? And you did
this…But you didn’t just want to learn what really bothers each other, you
learned what delights each other. You learned what Brenton really likes… the
way he likes his meat cooked… the things he likes to do as he works out… and
you learned what she likes…and doesn’t like… how she needs... needs that cup of
coffee… You learn what really pleases each other… The big things… and the
little things. And what we’re you doing?
Tracing an arc…what is this arc… the
will of your beloved….and then, without being asked, you begin to conform
yourself to the will of your beloved, and so, you give up some big things, and
you do little things… To an outsider, it seems like your
hampering your freedom. But you’re not… because you’ve put your happiness into
their happiness. You’re only happy if they’re happy… and while its submission…it’s
not exploitation, because the other person is doing this for you, if the other
person is adjusting their life to the authority of the other, in love of the
will of the beloved. That’s a love
relationship (Disclaimer-this illustration was stolen from a Keller sermon I heard
awhile back).
Brenton, Rebecca, put the hopes,
dreams, and desires of each other first. Invert your happiness into each other’s
happiness… If you do this, if your love is active, not passive.
If it’s expressive, not unemotional. If it’s full of effort...driven ultimately
by the knowledge that this is what Christ did
for you on the cross, you will find that your marriage is strong…
Do you both see it? Submit
out of reverence…show humble love...humility…Furthermore… Paul says, clothe
yourselves in Gentleness. Gentleness is the garment of self-controlled person. Badgering, Nagging, Berating, Harassing,
Heckling, Hounding, Complaining, and even a lot of teasing – are not gentleness.
When gentleness is absent, you both have to on a helmet of wariness & the body
armor of fearfulness… your always on guard… And how can you be intimate, on any
level, emotionally, spiritually or physically, with someone in armor? When you
put on gentleness, the other can take off the self-defensive armor. And when
that happens, trust can thrive & intimacy can reside.
This brings us to
the next thing Paul says to clothe yourself and your marriage with. Patience. This one’s huge. You cannot
expect perfection from each other. Each one of you is flawed, each one of you
has weaknesses…you have the ability to mess up, and be stubborn, and drive each
other crazy…marriage takes patience. But it also takes teamwork. Bearing one another’s burdens in love. Brent,
that means helping Rebecca when she’s boiling over from over-scheduling… it
means when she’s sick, and struggling from lack of sleep, you step in and pick
up the slack… and for the two of you… it means intentionality as you deal with
the separation of deployment… seek to meet each others emotional and spiritual
needs, even from afar… and someday…when the day comes, teamwork means that both
parents, parent... marriage takes the efforts of both, working for the good of
the relationship, and the family.
But, that’s not the end… Paul tell us…there’s more needed. You need to be forgiving each other, as the Lord has forgiven you. There are some days, that the words that need to come out of your
mouth are, I’m sorry... And when you’re the wronged one... you need to forgive.
At that moment, when they say, I’m sorry, or even if they haven’t, you have
one of two options. You can get your back up, you can push back, you can say,
you did this, you can point and divide… or you can forgive.
But…what happens if you don’t? Or wont? It will ruin your
marriage. What are the results of unforgiveness?
Loss of communication…and therefore, loss of relationship. Communication
is to a marriage is like fresh air to a body or oxygen to a flame - Without it
your relationship will slowly suffocate. And there’s times that you’re so mad….
And you don’t want to forgive…but if you don’t it will cut the lines of
communication… and that spells ruin…You need to be quick to forgive, resolve
anger on the same day. Paul, writing to
the church in Ephesus, says "In your anger do not sin": Do not let
the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold.
(4:26-27). Deal with it quickly. Even if it means
3 AM...Early in our marriage, I did something that really irritated Veronique.
Now, I don’t even remember what it was. But what I remember is this. I had to
finish a paper. Or something…and I came to bed in the early morning, and she
was still up. She couldn’t sleep, and she didn’t let me sleep till the issue
was resolved. And I’ll always remember it…now we can’t even remember what
the issue was… Don’t let things fester… Deal with it them quickly.
Now, how much should we forgive? Allot. To the measure of
the cross… We are to forgive, as the Lord forgave us. These words are so crucial. This gives us a
tangible understanding of what it means to forgive. Scripture makes clear… We
needed forgiveness. We all rebelled. We put something on the throne of our
lives, and worshiped it rather than God,
and then found, oh wait, I’m enslaved by my choices… what I thought would free
me, has enslaved me…
When that happened, Christ didn’t
just sit in heaven and bark commands to us... At a personal cost that we can
never fully understand, He laid aside His rights as God, took on human flesh
and became obedient to death on the cross…He who knew no sin was made sin for
us… the king of kings, the creator, was actually was made sin for us, paying
the debt we could not pay…by enduring that terrible moment where God the father
and the God the son had their relationship, the relationship that they had had
from all eternity, torn apart…when God the father turned his back on his son as
his son hung on the cross… it was infinitely painful, but he did it, so that we
might receive amazing, unfathomable forgiveness…if we turn to him in faith, freeing us
from the rebellion that traps us, and making his children, people who relate to
him, and to each other, in a whole new way…as new forgiven
people… in Christ…he died, so that in Christ we might be the righteousness of
God (2 Cor. 5:21)!
If this is your identity, if Christ is
your foundation, if you build your marriage on him… if you model your
forgiveness on his forgiveness…if you build your lives on him, and start with
him as the center of your relationship, submitting to him, relying on him,
looking to him, hoping in him, showing his forgiveness… your marriage will be
strong…“The key to a marriage is simply re-enacting the gospel to each
other, notes Tim Keller…You can talk about communication skills or other stuff,
and they’re all good, but basically knowing how to forgive and knowing how to
repent… If you both can forgive and repent, it doesn’t matter how different you
are, you’ll be okay. Two Christians who are married can make it, no matter how
incompatible… if you can repent and forgive".(Tim Keller, The
Gospel Coalition National Conference, 2009)
This is quite a picture of forgiveness…and
marriage…and yet Paul holds it up, and says “this is your model”… Forgive as the Lord forgave you…Brenton, Rebecca, forgive,
in this manner.
And, over all these
virtues, above all else, put one love. If compassion is marriage’s inner, garment, and
if kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, forbearance and forgiveness are
its active-wear shirts and pants and skirts and socks, then love is the overcoat. "On top of
all these things," Paul says, "put on love." Love keeps a marriage warm. Love should cloth your marriage…Ultimately,
you’ll never find a greater picture of love than the picture is found in the
cross… Christ showed his love, by dying for the church….And he
calls out through the pages of scripture, through the scripture that should
dwell in your hearts richly, love one another…like this. Brenton, put on this
love… love my sister like that, model this love…and I promise you, your
marriage will go well. Love her like this, and she will trust you, respect you,
honor you, cherish you, because she will know, you have her best interest at
heart. May your marriage be marked by sacrificial giving love.
And… Let the peace of Christ rule in
your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace… peace is
more than the absence of war…biblically… peace, shalom, is a sense of
blessedness. It’s the right ordering of the world. It’s the way things should
be. Lets his peace that passes all understanding, that calmness, that
contentment that comes from him, rule in your lives. Let the peace of Christ
rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace… And be thankful. Be thankful in the good
times, and in the bad. Be thankful that whatever you face, you have each other,
and him. And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of
the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
Today I charge you, remember your vows, remember your promises. Remind yourself of them
often, but more, remind yourself of whose you are to be, remind yourself of the
gospel, and remind yourself of the garments of grace, the characteristics that
should clothe your marriage.
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