When our Lord and Master Jesus Christ said “Repent,” he
intended that the entire life of believers should be repentance”, wrote
Martin Luther as he began the 95 Thesis. Stop and think about that for a
moment. All of the Christian life is repentance. Ouch.
Why is repentance so important? Because it’s only when we
see “the ugliness of our sin that we can glimpse the beauty of God’s grace”.
Dennis Johnson observed that “Repentance is intrinsic to "the gospel of
God's grace", for only those who see the ugliness of their sin can glimpse
the beauty of God's grace. Repentance is not only a turning from sin and
misplaced worship, but also a turning towards God. While repentance is
appropriately shown in heartfelt grief for past evil we should not overlook
it's positive dimension; turning in humble dependence to the living God who
saves. Paul speaks of a worldly sorrow that leads to death. Such was Judas
remorse when he saw his own treachery lead to Jesus condemnation. Whereas Judas
turned from God towards self-destruction, God's gift for repentance turns us
back to him. Despite the folly and evil of past attitudes and actions, we turn
to Him in the hope that his mercy can overpower our guilt, and that His spirit
can overpower proneness to rebellion. People who have repented in response to
the Gospels call will "practice deeds worthy of repentance". Because
repentance is a turning towards God, it is inextricably bound to faith (The
Message of Acts, page 153).
Ultimately, repentance is more than a onetime thing.
Repentance is the way we make as followers of Christ in the gospels. The
clearest sign that we are growing and developing Christ-like character is that
we hate our sin and are repenting of it. Repentance should permeate all of life,
like salt permeates your dinner and makes it tastier. Every area of your life
should be marked by repentance. All of your life should be marked by an
intentional turning away from sin and towards God, as you trust in the good
news that Jesus saves sinners. The gospel is for each and every day, it’s
something that should shape you each and every moment, and seeing it should
lead to a continual posture of repentance.
Luther got this. Almost 30 years later, on February 16,
1546, Luther’s last words, written on a piece of scrap paper, echoed the theme
of his first thesis: “We are beggars! This is true”. From opening thesis
to dying breath, Luther understood this and lived with it at the foot of the
cross, in that place where our rebellious sin condition meets with the beauty
of God’s incredible grace in the gospel of His Son Jesus Christ—a gospel that
is deep enough to cover each and every flaw us “beggars”. As you move through
Lent and towards Easter, as you move through this time that has historically been
marked by thinking of the suffering of Christ, and as you think about the
gospel; see your sin, see the cross and the grace of God, and make repentance
your continual approach to life.
The book I am reading about corporate or comminity prayer says this should include public(in so much as the church body, perhaps not for everthing) repentence...granted we should repent to those we sinned against. Should we expose our sins cooperately? Should we repent publically, much like I think you did in your sermon today for us as a church? PS I am on page 50 so far and I am really thinking you NEED to read this book.