Friday, February 24, 2012

Repentance- The Key To Marriage Lasting

 My sister is getting married this weekend, and I'm performing the wedding. As I prepared for the wedding sermon,  I ran across a couple of profound and interesting quotes on marriage that every couple should remember.
“The key to a marriage is simply re-enacting the gospel to each other. You can talk about communication skills or other stuff, and they’re all good, but basically knowing how to forgive and knowing how to repent… If you both can forgive and repent, it doesn’t matter how different you are, you’ll be okay. Two Christians who are married can make it, no matter how incompatible… if you can repent and forgive.”
          Tim Keller, The Gospel Coalition National Conference, 2009.
“the most damaging statements that have ever been said about us are those things we have said about ourselves to ourselves. Many people have a never-ending loop of self-talk that berates them for being foolish, stupid, a failure, a loser. But now into your life comes someone who has the power to overturn all the accumulated verdicts that have ever been passed upon you by others or by you yourself. Marriage puts into your spouse’s hand a massive power to reprogram your own self-appreciation.”
          Tim Keller
Wow. Preach that to yourself on those days that your spouse is a heel. Better yet, preach it to yourself on the days that you are a heel.

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