For Medfield day, we put together a small brochure about the church, and in it, we had a mission and vision section. Take a quick look, because it gets at the heart of what we are striving for at First
Baptist Medfield.
Everything we do at First Baptist is about the gospel; the good news that Christ lived the perfect life that we should have lived, without sinful rebellion against God, and without becoming enslaved to possession or treasures or acclaim, and then substituted himself in our place on the cross, paying the debt we could not pay, and reconciling us to God through the cross.
Pray that as a church, this is more than an ideal, but a reality that shapes every part of First Baptist.As a church family, we seek to make the gospel known, to live lives that are shaped by the gospel, and to impact the community with the good news of the gospel. As a church community, our mission and vision is to be a body of believers that is faithfully proclaiming the gospel to Medfield and beyond as we seek to glorify God and build a great community through gospel proclamation, personal conversion, deep disciple making, and faithful service to one another and the world around us. We do this by connecting to the gospel (and the church), growing in the gospel, serving from the gospel, sharing the gospel, and being continually changed by the gospel.
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