Excerpts from Jonathan Edwards sermon on 2 Timothy 3:16, All scripture is given by inspiration
of God." The whole sermon can be found here.
There must be some Word of God. ’Tis unreasonable to think that
God would always keep silence and never say anything to mankind. God has made
mankind and given him Reason and Understanding. Has made him the chief of all
the creatures. Given him reason that he might know God and serve Him. Did not
give the other creatures reason: He did make ’em to serve Him. Other creatures
are made for man. Man was made for God: to serve God, or else he was made for
But we may be sure He did not make such a creature as man
for nothing. But how unreasonable is it to think that God would make us for
Himself and never say anything to us. God is the King that rules over all
nations. But how unreasonable is it to think that God would make us for Himself
and never say anything to us. God is the King that rules over all nations. But
how unreasonable is it to suppose that He should be a King and never say
anything to His subjects.... be a King and never tell them what His will or
what His commands are, that His subjects may obey Him. Is as a Father: all His
Family. But will a father be always dumb and silent, etc.?
God has given mankind speech: so that they are able to speak
and make known their minds to one another. And therefore ’tis unreasonable to
think that God never would speak to men and make known His mind to them. We
need to have God teach us as much as a child needs to be taught by his father. And
since God has given mankind understanding He doubtless will teach him and
instruct him How can we know Him to worship God if we have no Word of God to
tell us? We should not know what way of worship would please Him... whether to
pray to Him or to sing or to keep the Sabbath, or be baptized, or come to
sacrament, or what else we shall do.
The Bible gives right notions concerning God. Tells how God
made the world.... made men.... how men became wicked. What God will do with
men in another world. What way we may have the forgiveness of sin. What is the
way of salvation? What God’s mind, and [what His ] will, is.
All the Rules and Commandments in the Bible are holy. Here
told what man’s duty is in many things. All
sin is forbidden. How God will be served. The great things God has done for His
people through all ages. What the Savior did and suffered: how He ascended into
Heaven. How the world will come to an
end. How God will judge the world. Another
thing that shows that the Scriptures are the Word of God is this: — That when
God told the wise and holy men to write the Bible He gave ’em power to work
great MIRACLES, to convince men that it was His work.
Moses was a man that wrote all the first part of the Bible. And
God, to show that the Word he wrote was His word.... And so the other Prophets
that wrote other parts. Jesus Christ gave us the Scriptures of the New
Testament. He spoke the Word of God. He, to show that His Word was the Word of
God, wrought great miracles. He told His Disciples to write down what He
said.... enabled them to do great miracles. The Apostle Paul. That there was
such a man as Christ.... that great miracles [were wrought] even His enemies
own: none deny it. Another thing that
shows the Scriptures to be the Word of God is that the Scripture FORETELLS a
great many things. The Old Testament that was given to the Jews a great while
before Christ was born foretold Christ’s coming. And a great many things
concerning Him. All which are FULFILLED. The Scriptures of the New Testament foretell a great many things....
all came to pass.
The Scriptures we here read is the same Word that was given
of old. The same Word has been kept all along: it has not been changed…no Book
reaches the hearts of men so much. No word so AWAKENS the conscience. No word
is so powerful to change the heart. Great many have been made ‘new men:’ very
wicked men. No word so powerful to the Bible. Better they are the more they
love it... the more they are convinced that it is the Word of God. The more
wicked men [are] the more they are AGAINST IT.
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