As a Patriots fan, I was more than happy with the results from Saturday. My heart lay with brady and the boys in Foxboro, however, read this, it will make you stand in awe of Tebpw the man, if not Tebow the quarterback. It's written by Rick Reilly. A guy who is very objective. A former Tebow naysayer. This article will amaze you. I guarantee whether you’re a sports fans or not, this is worth your time.
I believe in Tim Tebow

Who among us is this selfless?
week, Tebow picks out someone who is suffering, or who is dying, or who
is injured. He flies these people and their families to the Broncos
game, rents them a car, puts them up in a nice hotel, buys them dinner
(usually at a Dave & Buster's), gets them and their families pregame
passes, visits with them just before kickoff (!), gets them
30-yard-line tickets down low, visits with them after the game
(sometimes for an hour), has them walk him to his car, and sends them
off with a basket of gifts.
Home or road, win or lose, hero or goat.
Remember last week, when the world was pulling its hair out in the hour after Tebow had stunned the Pittsburgh Steelers with an 80-yard OT touchdown pass to Demaryius Thomas in the playoffs? And Twitter was exploding with 9,420 tweets about Tebow per second? When an ESPN poll was naming him the most popular athlete in America?
Tebow was spending that hour talking to 16-year-old Bailey Knaub about her 73 surgeries so far and what TV shows she likes.
"Here he'd just played the game of his life," recalls Bailey's mother,
Kathy, of Loveland, Colo., "and the first thing he does after his press
conference is come find Bailey and ask, 'Did you get anything to eat?'
He acted like what he'd just done wasn't anything, like it was all about
More than that, Tebow kept corralling people into the room for Bailey to
meet. Hey, Demaryius, come in here a minute. Hey, Mr. Elway. Hey, Coach
Even though sometimes-fatal Wegener's granulomatosis has left Bailey with only one lung, the attention took her breath away.
"It was the best day of my life," she emailed. "It was a bright star
among very gloomy and difficult days. Tim Tebow gave me the greatest
gift I could ever imagine. He gave me the strength for the future. I
know now that I can face any obstacle placed in front of me. Tim taught
me to never give up because at the end of the day, today might seem
bleak but it can't rain forever and tomorrow is a new day, with new
I read that email to Tebow, and he was honestly floored. Why me? Why should I inspire her?" he said. "I just don't feel, I don't know, adequate. Really, hearing her story inspires me."
It's not just NFL defenses that get Tebowed. It's high school girls who
don't know whether they'll ever go to a prom. It's adults who can hardly
stand. It's kids who will die soon.
For the game at Buffalo, it was Charlottesville, Va., blue-chip high
school QB Jacob Rainey, who lost his leg after a freak tackle in a
scrimmage. Tebow threw three interceptions in that Buffalo game and the
Broncos were crushed 40-14.
"He walked in and took a big sigh and said, 'Well, that didn't go as
planned,'" Rainey remembers. "Where I'm from, people wonder how sincere
and genuine he is. But I think he's the most genuine person I've ever
There's not an ounce of artifice or phoniness or Hollywood in this kid Tebow, and I've looked everywhere for it.
Take 9-year-old Zac Taylor, a child who lives in constant pain. Immediately after Tebow shocked the Chicago Bears
with a 13-10 comeback win, Tebow spent an hour with Zac and his family.
At one point, Zac, who has 10 doctors, asked Tebow whether he has a
secret prayer for hospital visits. Tebow whispered it in his ear. And
because Tebow still needed to be checked out by the Broncos' team
doctor, he took Zac in with him, but only after they had whispered it
And it's not always kids. Tom Driscoll, a 55-year-old who is dying of
brain cancer at a hospice in Denver, was Tebow's guest for the
Cincinnati game. "The doctors took some of my brain," Driscoll says, "so
my short-term memory is kind of shot. But that day I'll never forget. Tim is such a good man."
This whole thing makes no football sense, of course. Most NFL players hardly talk to teammates before a game, much less visit with the sick and dying.
Isn't that a huge distraction?

So that's it. I've given up giving up on him. I'm a 100 percent
believer. Not in his arm. Not in his skills. I believe in his heart, his
there-will-definitely-be-a-pony-under-the-tree optimism, the way his
love pours into people, right up to their eyeballs, until they believe
they can master the hopeless comeback, too.
Remember the QB who lost his leg, Jacob Rainey? He got his prosthetic
leg a few weeks ago, and he wants to play high school football next
season. Yes, tackle football. He'd be the first to do that on an
above-the-knee amputation.
Hmmm. Wonder where he got that crazy idea?
"Tim told me to keep fighting, no matter what," Rainey says. "I am."
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